Bishops Cannings Cricket Club seeding preparation       22 Sept updated 19 October

Preparation for seeding at Bishops Cannings Cricket Club earlier in the week, following importing and levelling of soil to bring up outfield levels.

We were asked to level and seed the area and sow with sports mix grass seed.  Tristan spent a Saturday on the stone burier to get things level; seed was drilled today and rolled in.  Green in a couple of weeks – hopefully!

The final image shows the ‘after’ – “Bishops Cannings Cricket Club now have a green outfield again! Favourable weather has made a huge difference with the special grass seed mix growing well in the mild conditions.

Dismantle Lime trees, Bishops Cannings

Here’s a 60-second video of one of a pair of time trees coming down in Bishops Cannings at the beginning of November.  The trees were healthy in themselves but had grown to a height of 100 feet.  The roots were undermining the buildings which were planned for a change of use in the near future so needed to be removed.

Lime trees are one of the most iconic British trees forming lined avenues on grand houses and estates.  There is even a circle of trees planted in Pewsey, Wiltshire that are still alive and healthy today, designed so that duellers could get some privacy from onlookers when in action!

The action is all in the last few seconds!

For details of our tree surgery work please see here and for our tree surveys, here