Commercial Fencing
Commercial Fencing
Commercial Fencing
- Demarcation
- Marker rails
Demarcation Fencing is usually a temporary structure that simply marks a boundary between two areas, and can take many forms, for example:
- A simple tensioned string line to delineate a pipeline corridor. A visual ‘fence’, with posts approx 10m apart, used so that the contractor can see the agreed area to work
- A visible boundary using wooden fence posts with yellow marking on the top, 1m apart so signifying pedestrian access only and showing exclusion areas
- As above but with rope as well
Marker rails are installed to
- prevent traffic driving onto grass
- marking the edge of open green spaces within towns
- or perhaps outside schools or car parks.
They are generally a square rail positioned on its edge with posts cut to support the rail and secured by a metal strap
Examples of our commercial fencing work
- Armco barrier fencing at Salisbury Plain
- 150m native hedging and 500 new trees planted in Lavington
- Savernake Forest post installation for the Forestry Commission
- 800m demarcation fencing in Wiltshire
- 575 m of "Tank Proof" posts, 1m apart, then painted with ‘Hi-Viz’ tops on Salisbury Plain
- 2,500m demarcation fencing creating a wayleave in Wroughton