Keepsafe Equestrian Fencing near Marlborough

Initially, an American form of fencing, which is now proving very popular here in the UK, Keepsafe  Equestrian Fencing is a specially designed wire fence for the equine fencing market.

With a durable and protective diamond weave featuring heavy, twisted horizontal cables, each cable consisting of two wires on 100mm (4″) spacing from the ground to the top. Vertical wires, securely wrapped around each horizontal cable, run diagonally to make a diamond pattern, forming the strongest fence construction available today.

The practical benefits are that not only does it keep as much out as it does in, it is also very springy so safe if horses bounce into it.  We bought this fencing in for this job from the US.

Keep Safe Fencing erected by Conservation Contractors of Devizes
Keep Safe Fencing erected by Conservation Contractors of Devizes
Keep Safe Fencing erected by Conservation Contractors of Devizes
Keep Safe Fencing erected by Conservation Contractors of Devizes